Peels and scrubs

Peels and scrubs

imageBody scrubs are often underrated. But these exfoliants do much more than slough away dull, dead skin. Some cleanse; some moisturize; others smell amazing, too. And they all create a smooth, even base for self-tanner.

Peeling is very similar with a scrub.   Scrub and peel help to clean the epiphases of epidermis, giving a skin elasticity and freshness. However the action of peeling  is sent to the rejuvenation of skin, polishing of scars, reduction of intensity of ephelidess and brightness of pigmentation.

Scrubs and peels differ not only exposure , but also consistency. Peeling usually more liquid may be gelled particles in it are smaller than scrub.  They are not so much scratch the skin, but also massage with peeling effect is less pronounced.